Breast Implants
Breast Implants
Breast Implants
Breast implants provide an excellent way to enhance the size, contour, and lift of a woman's breasts. However, there are several factors to consider before undergoing a breast enlargement procedure, such as the shape and texture of the implants, implant size and type, and the methods for placing breast implants. Read about the various aspects of breast enhancement surgery and breast implants on DocShop's informative website; then contact a DocShop cosmetic surgeon in your area to learn about achieving your personal breast enlargement goals.
Are you interested in learning more about breast implants? View our breast augmentation video featuring plastic surgeons who have performed the procedure and patient testimonials.
Breast Implant Shapes
Round and teardrop breast implants are the two implant shapes used for breast enlargement. Many women select round breast implants because they add the most lift and proportion. However, more and more women are choosing teardrop-shaped implants, also known as contoured breast implants, because these women desire breast enlargement that looks as natural as possible. Learn more about breast implant shapes and how they are used to augment breast shape and size.
Breast Implant Textures
The surface texture of breast implants can be either smooth or textured. Smooth-surfaced breast implants are used in most breast enlargement surgeries because they are softer, have a reduced risk of rippling, and cost less than textured implants. However, the sandpaper-like surface of textured breast implants helps maintain vertical alignment, a desired trait for breast enlargement with teardrop-shaped implants. Learn more about the different breast implant textures and their advantages and disadvantages.
Breast Implant Sizes
Breast implants are available in a variety sizes, from small (125cc) to very large (1200cc). Women who desire a perky, more youthful breast contour are better served by choosing a more conservative implant size. Women whose primary objective is breast enlargement will achieve the best results with larger breast implants. Learn about small breast implants and large breast implants and how different sizes help women achieve their breast enhancement goals.
Breast Implant Types
An FDA moratorium on silicone breast implants instituted in 1992 caused saline implants to be used almost exclusively for breast enlargement procedures in the United States for many years. However, in November 2006 the FDA once again allowed silicone breast implants for general use. Cohesive silicone gel implants have not yet been approved for general use by the FDA, but clinical trials are currently being conducted to determine their safety and effectiveness. Learn more about saline breast implants, silicone breast implants, and cohesive silicone gel breast implants and the benefits and downsides of each type.
Breast Enlargement Surgical Techniques: Incision Location
The location of the incisions through which breast implants are placed is a very important consideration in breast enlargement surgery. While the surgeon's goal is to make the incisions as inconspicuous as possible, the size, shape, and type of breast implants used and each patient's unique body structure play a role in determining incision location. Learn more about the four incision techniques used for placement of breast implants: the inframammary fold incision, the areola incision, the transaxillary incision, and the navel incision.
Breast Enlargement Surgical Techniques: Implant Placement
Breast implants placed under the pectoral muscle can provide a more natural look but require more extensive surgery and a more painful recovery. Subglandular placement of breast implants for breast enlargement is easily accomplished and allows quicker recovery, but the results may not be as natural-looking. Learn more about submuscular placement and subglandular placement of breast implants and the pros and cons of each method.
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